Just some weird stuff I'm working on. If you want to just sit back, and enjoy Conway's Game of Life in the background - click below.

Random Password Generator

This is built using the native Math.js Math.random() method. It is a crude, PRNG scheme that requires little compute time, and suitable for simple tasks. At scale, it runs in O(1)

For use with business critical functions, or a security prescription utilization of the alternative window.crypto.getRandomValues()

Randomize an Array

Super Simple Array Randomizer. This is a prototool to develop an esoteric array sorting mechanism using low-order number analysis cohorts.

Takes a comma-seperated string, or a space seperated string.

Random Rand() plot

The plot below is also built using the native Math.js Math.random() method. As a demonstrattion, engaging with the button below will run a prescribed set of Math.random() values, return their values below the plot, and provide a sum of the amount of values found within each of the 4 planes of the plot.

The presentation of this data plot, laid out on a cartesian plot of $\mathbb{R}$, given the sum of the distribution iniside of each plane, it can be made apparent that the distrbituion of these random numbers is not uniform when in a relatively small order of magnitude.

Better Random XORshift() plot

This plot, using the same display as the prior, is built using an XOR shift across $\mathbb{R}$, and is evenly distributed.

This page contains a few 'esoteric' libraries, like MathJax and others. You can right click on these equations, greek letters, and math symbols to get a unique dialogue if you are unable to render everything correctly.

This is an inline equation: \( x^2 + y^2 = z^2 \)

And a displayed equation:

\[ \int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} \]